Hi everybody,
Just a quick update.
Working on more videos with my Brother who runs BBgroup.net.nz so I will have lots of content in the future. Also working on a little secret step that will pay off if I can do it. I won’t share any details here, but I will share them in due course depending on the results. Needless to say, for a rather small sacrifice in time, I have the change to get a LOT of exposure, but I can’t guarantee that I will be able to do it. Time will tell.
If you haven’t seen it. The video below briefly explains what the Treason Act is – More to come!:
I have two playtests scheduled over the next two weeks and development is going well. Once this playtest is complete, I will be ready to start a blind playtest – I will ask a completely new group of players to start the game and understand/follow the rules without any help from me. I’ve run blind play tests in the past and the results may surprise you. People get stuck or confused about something you didn’t expect. This is primarily to ensure the game components are easy to follow and intuitive and the rulebook is clear. However, blind playtesting is very important, because you won’t find such problems before it’s too late without them.
So I’m going to take some time to revise the old rulebook which has become a bit of a mess – The new draft I’ve prepared is much tidier and will hopefully be a much better rulebook once I’ve finished it.
Make sure you get enough rainbows |
After the blind playtest, I will be able to submit the game to third party reviewers, which will be an important step as not only will they have their own following that they can bring to kickstarter, but also if they provide good support for the game. product, this will really help convert more visitors to the Kickstarter page into contributions.
Lots to do while all this is happening – The website is live and undergoing updates. I also put out a video explaining what the Treason Act is and all social media is there. I’m slowly gaining followers, especially on twitter for some reason. I’m learning as I prepare things, as I mentioned, marketing is very new to me. Reading books on the topic, etc. Mostly I just prepare assets like images and videos for promotional use later.
One board at a time |
Overall, things went well. Sometimes it feels like someone building a house. There has been progress, but there is still so much to do and it feels like it will never end. However, I am slowly completing my tasks and getting closer to a very polished and very slick final product that I know I can be proud of.
Gaming Hub
Game online adalah jenis permainan video yang dimainkan melalui jaringan internet. Game ini memungkinkan pemain untuk berinteraksi dengan pemain lain secara real-time, baik itu dalam bentuk kerja sama, kompetisi, atau eksplorasi dunia virtual bersama-sama.