This isn’t really a Blog about Betrayal or anything like that. This is the blog for my game: Acts of Treachery.
Interesting, right? This isn’t just a self-serving blog, either. I hope to provide you with value: I hope to engage you and give you food for thought. I will cover a variety of topics. Whatred was on my mind at that time. Although, to be fair – we’ll start with the Treason Act stuff. This is a Betrayal Blog. It has to be true to its word (or is it? This is a Betrayal Blog).
I will do my best to blog once a week, usually on the weekends. I’ll also include a weekly feature where I share interesting YouTube videos or interesting music I find. I love sharing things like this with people and I’m sure you’ll get something good out of it.
Anyway – that’s all.
Very beautiful and beautiful website |
I also started running an AoT Facebook page, an AoT Twitter account, and now an AoT Blog! BoT. There’s still a bit of organizing to be done for each of these, but since they’re not urgent, they’ll have to wait a while to become outstanding.
It’s been a wild ride to get to this point and there’s no doubt in my mind that it’s going to be 100x wilder. This is the problem. I never really wanted to do all this marketing crap. This is not my expertise – This is not my expertise. But people love this game, and I know how good it is. I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t see it through to the end. Honestly, if AoT wasn’t this good, I would have stopped working on it long ago. It is imperative to do public good at this time. So with all that said, I have to be good at this marketing crap. So, I’m going to be doing a lot of things on social media. Advertising, promotion, etc. It’s all leading up to the big day on Kickstarter. If you want to help or get in touch – you can contact me here:
I’m going to make a lot of effort to spread the word – all I ask is that if you like what you see, tell someone. Link, share and spread the word :)
We only have one chance to get this thing started – and if it goes well, you can expect to see many more high-quality games from me. *Definitely* I already have some ideas in mind. I just need time to work on it.
I know I haven’t covered the Act of Treason much in this post. Many details will appear on the site soon. Next week I’ll cover some basic concepts of the game, and the background to how I came up with the idea.
Let’s start this game,
Music this week:
Quite optimistic. A great section at 2:42 featuring music straight from Castlevania (I think); truly extraordinary. My only wish is that this is a bigger part of the song.
Gaming Hub
Game online adalah jenis permainan video yang dimainkan melalui jaringan internet. Game ini memungkinkan pemain untuk berinteraksi dengan pemain lain secara real-time, baik itu dalam bentuk kerja sama, kompetisi, atau eksplorasi dunia virtual bersama-sama.