Betrayal Blog: New Year – New Post

Betrayal Blog: New Year – New Post

Well, it’s been a while since I made a post. Excuse my absence. This was going to be a long post, but then I’m trying to do shorter, more frequent posts in the New Year… Here we go.

There are three main reasons why I’ve been a little slow on committing Treason Acts lately:
1.) I am facing a personal problem
2.) I’m very new to marketing
3.) I’ve never been good at finishing projects I start

Who doesn’t like pictures?

I didn’t want to think about my personal problems for too long, because I didn’t want to complain or seem like I was fishing for sympathy or something weird like that. Fuck your sympathy. What I will say is that I was not in a good state of mind. I think the main causes are consumption of junk food and lack of exercise, especially cardiovascular exercise. Lastly, my sleep pattern is very bad, I stay up late and sleep too long. All of this stuff really hasn’t helped – So I’ve spent the last few months getting this all back on track, and I feel MUCH better because of it. I think there is still a lot to be done to promote healthy lifestyles because it clearly has a direct link to mental health. I don’t like to be mean, but there is such a thing as tough love, and I oppose movements like pride for this reason. Anyway, I’m now in good shape to continue working on Act of Treason in the new year.

Right, that’s number one. Let’s discuss numbers two and three.

I’ve been working on Act of Treason on and off, for a while, but I’ve always found it difficult to complete the project. And trying to complete the work I had worked so hard and long for proved difficult. It doesn’t help that Marketing isn’t my forte and that’s the crunch point here. No matter how great Acts of Treason is, it’s marketing that will ultimately generate sales. It also doesn’t help that I’m not filled with boundless energy like some of these accomplished CEOs have. I don’t think I can wake up at 5 and be done at 11 every day. No possibility. I’m just a one-man operation, a regular person. I do my best.

With all that being said. I was determined to see it through, even if it killed me. I’ve never had this much positive feedback before for something I’ve worked on. I know Act of Treason has the ability to be one of the best board games of 2017, if not the best Social Board game of all time, if not the best board game of all time… OK, I might get into that – but I’m very confident in the game this, and I know that it is good from my own judgment, and from the judgment of others. The mechanics are perfectly balanced, there are no flaws that could detract from the fun, and it allows for very deep strategic play in an area where there are really no skill limits – social interaction. If there is one project I must complete while I am still alive, it is the Act of Treason. So I’m having to lace up my marketing boots and learn as I go, so far so good (at least I hope). I’ll be doing paid marketing work as soon as the launch gets closer.

I can’t wait for the big launch day

Another thing I want to clarify is that there is still quite a bit of development and changes taking place in this game. So take all art, words, rules, etc., with a grain of salt. 95% of the game is locked and I’m happy with that. I wouldn’t change it because I know it’s solid and basic. But the little things like wording, theme, balance, etc. All of this is subject to change. I need to remember to add a small “All artwork is subject to change” disclaimer to all of my work.

One last thing. My spelling is bad, so please excuse any spelling errors or grammatical errors in this post. The time and effort spent cleaning up this blog post, beyond a quick glance, doesn’t actually justify the value gained. I think the value is in the insight it offers and updates for those who are curious. If you can understand what I’m saying, then who cares. Believe me, I don’t treat my other works like this – Act of Treason passes a strict spell check, sense check, and grammar check. But I feel like blog posts don’t need that kind of scrutiny to be valuable.

Oh and I removed video/music today as a requirement for this post. I might share music or funny videos I find sometimes, like Placeboing, and his awesome video about Goblins.

Papa Bless and have a wonderful New Year.


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