Betrayal Blog: Final steps update

Betrayal Blog: Final steps update

Hi all,

So I’ve recently run out of information, so this week’s update will be kept very short. Have done a massive play test and have been working all weekend to implement changes and create a new, slick design for next time. In fact, I work so hard that I basically don’t feel like I have a weekend. It just flew by, and I felt like I was back at work Friday -> Monday, without even a two-day break! It was pretty intense.

Anywho, hopefully this coming weekend I’ll make a blog post or two to fill in more updates on AoT and talk about some of the mechanics in detail. I might even offer an opinion. Will also start working on some simple tweets on the website – Some colorful ‘Ads’ on the front page directing readers to places of interest to them. I think this is an easy way to share the most relevant information with those new to the Treason Act.

But for now I just want to say that I’ve had some really good playtesting with people at work. I’ve changed a few things and tried ones I wanted to test. It was great and I learned a lot, but unfortunately it didn’t result in the final version of the game I had hoped for. However, the game I played on Friday was so enlightening that I think the next change to the game will be the final push it needs to reach perfection.

I’m with the prototype board

So – What’s the last thing I’m trying to fix?

I’ll get to this in a later blog post, but the bottom line is that in AoT right now, a social contract is necessary to make a good game, and okay/good games will emerge if the social contract isn’t followed. I need to find a way to ensure that this social contract is converted into core rules and mechanisms in some way or form.

Today, ignoring or not knowing this useful ‘social contract’ is a trap for new and intermediate players. Not following them will encourage the type of play that detracts from the fun and design goals of the game.

The best option by far is if I can create a mechanism that helps enforce this kind of social contract without having to enforce it by fiat.

I’ve put together a few proposed solutions that would fix this – so I’ll just have to test them. I really can’t wait for the next playtest

Until next time


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