Sorry for the delay in this post. Life, as usual, gets in the way.
Act of Treason is well underway, and we’re nearing the end of the game. Third-party reviewers are almost all lined up. The two biggest things I have are Marketing/Promotions and a Kickstarter page.
We really need to try to reach 1,000+ followers before launch day (which will be announced soon). To help us reach our goals, I will increase my social media presence, release more videos, and increase my spending on advertising. Hopefully this holiday will allow me to make great progress in this arena.
I’m also brainstorming ideas for additional social media goals to apply to the Kickstarter. for example: if we reach 2,000 followers before launch day, then I’ll unlock additional goals for free, or something like that. So stay tuned for updates! It seems very likely that I will do something on that front!
I’ve also done some work creating a placeholder box for the prototype, see below. Note that this is not final like all the game assets you have seen so far. It’s nice to have a box I can hand over to someone else to review, rather than an empty cardboard box.
That’s all for this week, I’ve scheduled a blog post for later this week regarding a particular “Act of Betrayal Design Journal” that you might be interested in checking out, especially if you’re interested in game design.
See you again friends.
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Game online adalah jenis permainan video yang dimainkan melalui jaringan internet. Game ini memungkinkan pemain untuk berinteraksi dengan pemain lain secara real-time, baik itu dalam bentuk kerja sama, kompetisi, atau eksplorasi dunia virtual bersama-sama.